Sponsor a Foster
What is Sponsoring a Foster?
If you choose to sponsor a foster any money you donate will be used toward care for that particular animal. Before one of our kitties can be adopted we do all age appropriate vetting to include deworming, flea and tick treatment, a series of 2 or 3 distemper shots (depending on age), a rabies shot, Feline Leukemia & FIV testing as well as Spay or Neuter.
The costs of these items are at MINIMUM $231.00 for healthy animals.
FeLV-FIV testing | $60.00 |
Rabies Shot | $25.00 |
Distemper Shot (per shot) | $25.00 |
Deworming (per treatment) 2 doses | $23.00 |
Flea/Tick Treatment (monthly) | $23.00 |
Spay | $94.00 |
OR Neuter | $84.00 |
If you’d like to sponsor a foster, e-mail us at info@hsscva.org and put “Sponsor Foster” in your subject line.
As always, we appreciate your support.
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